
Sunday 27 January 2013

Mixed Defaults

Since organ policy is a devolved matter, the Welsh Assembly has been pushing ahead with plans to switch to an opt-out policy. It emerged recently, however, that certain body parts - including hands, limbs, and faces - will not be included.

What does this mean? As far as I can see, it means that if you die without having registered any preferences over the use of your bodily remains, then your kidneys may be used but your hand may not be used. If you object to the use of your kidney, then you need to opt out of kidney donation. But if you're happy to have your hand used, then you need to opt in to hand donation. And, if for some reason, you're happy for your hand but not your kidney to be used, you need to opt in for hand donation and opt out of kidney donation.

There's no logical or principled reason why the default shouldn't take this mixed form but it seems to me to be undesirable in practice. Firstly, many people are now going to have to register preferences if they want their bodies treated according to their wishes (though this may not be such a bad thing). But it seems to invite potential confusion over what body parts will and will not be used and under what conditions.

Traditional opt in and opt out systems have a clear default: either everything will not be used or everything may be used (respectively). It's fair enough to allow individuals a choice over which parts to opt out or in, so that they can if they wish register as a kidney donor but not a hand donor. But I don't see the point of mixed defaults, which merely complicate and confuse the status quo.

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